Liantang Sub-district is an important urban living area in Luohu District. With a low floor area ratio, it is known as the “Back Garden of Luohu”. It is home to various natural and cultural attractions, such as Wutong Mountain, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Hongfa Temple, Shenzhen Reservoir and etc.


(1) 联合体成员不得多于二家,联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计机构组成其他联合体报名参赛。
(2) 联合体合作方需签署具法律效用的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,各个设计阶段中双方的分工划分方式和设计费用的分摊比例、分配方式等。
Consortium requirements:
1. Open registration is adopted worldwide for local and international design firms to participate.
2. The design firm shall provide the corporate registration certificate, design license certificate or relevant documents ofthe same effect.
3. Design firms headed by the same individual are not allowed to register for the Competition at the same time. The same restriction applies to design firms and those held or managed by them.
4. The Competition is open for registration of consortia (both local and international). The international design firm must register in the form of consortium with local ones who hold Grade A or above Engineering Design Qualification for Building Industry (Construction Engineering). However, registration by individuals or teams of individuals is not acceptable.The leading design firm must hold Grade A or above Engineering Design Qualification for Building Industry (Construction Engineering).
5. Members of consortia should meet the following requirements:
(2) The members should sign a legally effective Consortium Agreement, and specify the leading party, the division of work between the members in each design stage, the proportion and way of distribution of the design fee, etc.
6. The design firm should assign a person who has directed multiple design projects of the same type as the chief designer of the Project. The chief designer must take charge of the main design work of the Project and attend important presentation meetings required by the Host. If the chief designer’s profile is found to be inconsistent with the one submitted for prequalification, the Host is entitled to disqualify the design firm involved from being shortlisted and winning the Competition,and hold such design firm responsible for corresponding legal liabilities.
The Competition will involve three stages: prequalification, schematic design, and contract award. Please see below for details.
时间 Time |
事项 Event |
第一阶段 报名及资格预审 Stage 1 Prequalification |
2020年6月11日 June 11, 2020 |
发布正式公告 Release of official announcement |
2020年7月1日17:00前 By 17:00, July 1, 2020 |
设计机构点击链接https://szdesigncenter.jinshuju.com/f/AYixC4填写报名信息。 Completion of registration information on https://szdesigncenter.jinshuju.com/f/AYixC4 |
2020年7月7日17:00前 By 17:00, July 7, 2020 |
设计机构完成在交易中心平台备案并提交报名文件和概念提案的纸质文件及U盘,报名截止 Completion of online filing on the website of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trade Service Center and submission of hard copy and USB of the registration documents and conceptual proposal by design firms, and closing of registration. |
2020年7月10日(暂定) July 10, 2020 (tentative) |
召开资格预审会由资格预审委员会对资格预审材料进行资格审查,择优选取6家设计机构入围 Prequalification evaluation meeting, where member of the Prequalification Committee will review all prequalification materials and shortlist 6 design firms (incl. consortium) for the next stage of the Competition |
2020年7月13日(暂定) July 13, 2020 (tentative) |
公布资格审查结果,发布入围通知书 Announcement of the prequalification result and delivery of the Shortlist Notice |
第二阶段 方案设计竞标 Stage 2 Schematic Design |
2020年7月16日(暂定) July 16, 2020 (tentative) |
发布招标文件 Release of Design Brief |
2020年7月22日(暂定) July 22, 2020 (tentative) |
组织踏勘、答疑会 Site visit and Q&A |
2020年7月31日(暂定) July 31, 2020 (tentative) |
书面提交质疑截止时间 Deadline for questions in written form |
2020年8月7日(暂定) August 7, 2020 (tentative) |
答疑截止 Deadline for Q&A |
2020年9月1日17:00前(暂定) By 17:00, September 1, 2020 (tentative) |
提交设计成果(提交地点另行通知) Submission of design submissions (place of submission is subject to further notice) |
2020年9月4日(暂定) September 4, 2020 (tentative) |
召开方案评审会确定前3名优胜方案(不排序) Proposal evaluation meeting, where three winning proposals will be determined (without ranking) |
第三阶段 定标 Stage 3 Contract Award |
2020年9月中旬(暂定) Mid September, 2020 (tentative) |
定标并公布结果 Contract award and release of result |
Notes: All the time and dates are shown in Beijing Time. The Host reserves the right to adjust the timetable which is subject to the one announced on the website of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trade Service Center.
With reference to the Charging Standards for Engineering Survey and Design (2002 Revision) jointly promulgated by the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Construction, the design fee is tentatively determined at about RMB 7,697,400 yuan, while the construction contents, size, standards, total investment and design fee etc. shall be subject to the projectapproval documents.
The 1st place: the 1st place winner will be awarded the design contract.
The 2nd place (two winners): each will receive Renminbi Five Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥500,000.00).
The 4th-6thplace: each will receive Renminbi Three Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥300,000.00).
Host: Pre-construction Work Office of Government-Invested Projects, Luohu District, Shenzhen
Co-organizer: Shenzhen Center for Design
Contact person: Ms. Li
Tel: 0755-8399 5241
Email: scd-competition@szdesigncenter.org
Address: Room 303, Block A, Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, 8 Zhongkang Rd, Shangmeilin, Futian District, Shenzhen
Competition agent: Shenzhen Cheng Xin Hang Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Li Kunpeng, Qin Xiaoling
Tel: 0755-83788246
Address: Room1318, Jianyi Building, 3 Zhenxing Road, Futuan District, Shenzhen
Email: chengxinhangzb@163.com
Log on to the official website of Shenzhen Center for Design to download the attachments:https://www.szdesigncenter.org/design_competitions/5476?tab=official_announcement&cama_set_language=en&locale=en