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Skanderberg Square / 51N4E, Anri Sala, & Plan en Houtgoed. Image Courtesy of Filip Dujardin

The Top 10 Design Cities of 2019

  Design trends are often the result of foreign cultural influences, avant-garde creations, and innovative solutions for people's ever-evolving needs. Although the design world seems like one big mood board, some cities have managed to outshine the rest with their recent projects.
  As part of their annual Design Cities Listing, Metropolis Magazine has highlighted 10 cities across 5 continents with intriguing projects that have harmonized contemporary urbanism with traditional and faraway influences.


The Beehive Offices / Barclay & Crousse. Image Courtesy of Barclay & Crousse

  在20世纪晚期,秘鲁建筑一直受到国内社会和经济冲突的影响,一些建筑师被迫出国学习工作,例如Sandra Barclay和Jean Pierre Crousse等。他们二人在巴黎开始了建筑研究的职业生涯,直到20世纪90年代末,秘鲁社会的情况逐渐改善,并且收到第一个非常重要的秘鲁设计委托后,他们才回到了家乡。他们的作品风格既受到巴黎的影响,又结合了历史悠久的秘鲁技术,以气候和特定的空间线索为参照。例如利马的蜂巢办公楼,建筑师将结构外部化,争取最大化的内部空间,并在立面上使用混凝土作为“外骨骼”。
Lima, Peru
  Throughout the late 20th century, Peruvian architecture has been affected by the internal social and economical conflicts, which is why several architects, such as Sandra Barclay and Jean Pierre Crousse, were forced to travel abroad to study and work. The duo started their architecture studies and career in Paris, and it was only till the late 1990's, when the situation in Peru gradually improved and they received their first major Peruvian commission, that the duo made their way back home. Their work is a combination of Parisian influences and historic Peruvian techniques, taking climate-specific spatial cues as referents. For their Beehive Offices building in Lima, the architects externalized the structure to maximize the interior spaces, using concrete "exoskeletons" on the facade.


Courtesy of Triba

  Matanza河在阿根廷文化中占有重要地位,这条河毗邻探戈的诞生地La Boca社区,20世纪末这里曾是国外移民的登陆地。几十年前,该地区因犯罪和贫困而臭名昭著,艺术家Paola Vega和当地艺术团体Triba利用了该地区被忽视的空间,在河墙上创作了一幅名为“Esplendor”的壁画。这幅壁画生动地诠释了Matanza河,无论从船上、飞机上还是河边的长廊内都能看到。随着Esplendor壁画的出现,Triba也陆续在周边地区创作了一些装置和艺术品。
Buenos Aires, Argentina
  The Matanza River holds great importance in Argentinian culture. The river is adjacent to La Boca neighborhood, the birthplace of Tango, as it was a landing place for immigrants who made their way to the country in the late 20th century. Since a few decades ago, the area became infamous for crime and poverty, which is why artist Paola Vega and local art collective Triba created a vibrant mural titled "Esplendor" on the span of the river wall, utilizing the area's overlooked and stereotyped spaces. The mural is a vivid interpretation of the river, visible from boats, planes, and the river's promenade. Along with the Esplendor mural, Triba have created several installations and artworks scattered around the neighborhood.




Skanderberg Square / 51N4E, Anri Sala, & Plan en Houtgoed. Image Courtesy of Filip Dujardin

  除去政治面容,地拉那前市长(阿尔巴尼亚现任总理)Edi Rama也是一位艺术家。第二次世界大战后,在中国和苏联的支持下,这个国家曾由共产主义政权统治。在近40年的统治中,地拉那在经济、政治和文化上都几乎被孤立。2000年Rama掌权后,这座城市缺乏投资,到处都是未经批准的建筑。他下令拆除了非法建筑,增加了城市绿地,而且制定了规模宏大的总体规划。Skanderbeg广场是获奖的城市公共空间,设有喷泉、绿地以及广场,由514NE、 Anri Sala以及Plan en Houtgoed共同设计开发。13万块由30种当地石材制成的瓷砖,共同覆盖着一座低矮的金字塔,在这里人们可以俯看歌剧院、国家博物馆和国家银行。
Tirana, Albania
  Aside from a career in politics, Edi Rama, Tirana's former mayor (and Albania's current prime minister) is an artist. After the Second World War, the country was ruled by the Communist regime with the support of the Chinese and Soviets. This rule, which lasted almost 4 decades, isolated it economically, politically, and culturally. When Rama took charge in 2000, the city was under-invested and full of unsanctioned structures. Among his achievements, he demolished illegal buildings, added green spaces, and developed an ambitious master plan. the Skanderbeg Square, developed by 514NE, Anri Sala, and Plan en Houtgoed, is an award-winning urban public space with fountains, greenery, and plazas. 130,000 tiles of 30 types of native stones cover a low pyramid which overlooks the opera, national museum, and national bank.


Koi Light Structure / Inocuo the Sign. Image Courtesy of Santiago Relanzón

  瓦伦西亚艺术家Marivi Calvo以及澳大利亚音乐家Sandro Tothill在设计他们的第一套公寓时,有了用木贴面来制作灯具的想法。这对夫妇最终在1995年成立了他们的照明公司LZF,其特色是运用天然的木材和复杂的工艺手法。Koi是由LZF灯具公司开发的雕塑灯具,由巴塞罗那的工作室Inocuo设计。这个巨大的鲤鱼形状的灯光雕塑灵感来自于LZF的犰狳灯交错的木质表面,并曾被构想成动画电影。
Valencia, Spain
  Marivi Calvo, a Valencia artist and Sandro Tothill, an Australian musician came up with the idea of creating light fixtures with wood veneers while preparing their first apartment. The couple eventually founded their lighting company LZF in 1995, creating signature pieces with natural wood and intricate craftsmanship. Koi is a sculptural light fixture developed by LZF Lamps and designed by Barcelona-based studio Inocuo. The giant carp-shaped light sculpture was inspired by the interlaced wooden surface of LZF's Armadillo Lamp, and imagined for an animated film.


The Gathering Place / Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates. Image Courtesy of Alex S MacLean

  虽然塔尔萨很少与开创性的设计文化联系在一起,但由Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates事务所设计的聚会场所却试图反驳这种错误的见解。这片100英亩(约40万平方米)的滨江城市公园将成为新的城市公共吸引力,这里设有雪松和枫木小屋、巨大的壁炉、树冠、表演区、巨大的滑梯、船屋、滑板公园以及游乐场。
Tulsa, Oklahoma
  Although Tulsa is rarely associated with a groundbreaking design culture, but The Gathering Place by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates aims to refute this misconception. The 100-acre (approx. 400,000 sqm) riverfront urban park is the city's new public attraction, with cedar and maple lodges, monumental fireplaces, tree canopies, performance areas, giant slides, boathouses, skate parks, and playgrounds.



Madison Avenue Park / Davied Toews Architects. Image Courtesy of Davies Toews Architecture

  孟菲斯是田纳西州第二大城市,犯罪率和贫困率都很高。随着城市声誉逐渐恢复,一些全新或者改造再利用项目重新成形,例如如孟菲斯芭蕾舞剧院、新的自行车共享系统以及滨河修复项目。虽然场地受到限制,但是这座由Davies Toews 建筑事务所设计的楔形麦迪逊大道城市公园仍然需要满足许多需求,公园坐落在一条狭窄的小巷内,取代了原先坐落在此的“汉堡王”。由于场地具有一定坡度,因此建筑师将公园划分为两个三角形,并设置了颜色鲜艳的长椅和标识。
Memphis, Tennessee
  Memphis is Tennessee's second largest city, with high crime and poverty rates. As the city gradually recovers from its reputation, several new and adaptive reuse projects are taking shape, such as the Ballet Memphis, a new bike-sharing system, and riverfront restoration project. Although situated within a neglected and constrained site, the wedge-shaped Madison Avenue Park has a lot to offer. Designed by Davies Toews Architecture, the urban park sits on a narrow alley, replacing Burger King. Since its site is sloped, the architects divided the park into two concrete triangles with vibrant-colored benches and signage.



M'Afrique Sofa / Moroso. Image Courtesy of Moroso

  在塞内加尔,专业的设计服务价格很高,在廉价劳动力市场的选择下,工匠们更容易受到青睐。塞内加尔设计师Bibi Seck曾为Herman Miller和Nucraft设计过家具,并且成立了一个名为“Dakar Next”的设计实验室,旨在改变塞内加尔人对设计的看法和评价。Bibi Seck与几位工匠合作,共同承担材料成本并分享设计利润,他认为这样做对劳动力市场相当有利。他的创作范围包括了宜家出售的平价家具以及高端零售商品,比如Moroso扶手椅,其零售价超过2000美元。
Dakar, Senegal
  In Senegal, professional design services are overpriced, leaving artisans vulnerable to market that prefers cheap labor. Senegalese designer Bibi Seck, who has designed furniture for Herman Miller and Nucraft, launched a design lab called Dakar Next, an initiative that aims to change how design in perceived and valued in Senegal. He has worked with several craftspeople, sharing the costs of material and splitting the profit of their designs, an action he believes fairly benefits the labor market. His creations range from affordable furniture pieces sold at IKEA to high-end retail items, such as his Moroso armchair which retails for over $2000.


La Rencontre d’Alger Poster / Baghli Architects. Image Courtesy of Baghli Architects

  2019年2月,数百万阿尔及利亚公民走上街头,要求立即改变政治制度。在抗议活动之前,一群城市学家和小组成员聚集在阿尔及尔的国家现代和当代艺术博物馆,讨论横跨阿尔及尔湾的桥梁计划。建筑师Nacym和Sihem Baghli是该方案的设计者,他们首先在初步概念的草图上进行构思,将土耳其Ottoman堡垒与西面的Casbah古城连接起来。该提案的预估成本大约为15亿美元,这一数字在小组成员中引发了一场辩论。今年1月,Baghli组织了一场名为“La Rencontre d'Alger”的会议,旨在为城市的发展提出解决方案。
Algiers, Algeria
  In February 2019, millions of Algerian citizens descended to the streets calling for a prompt change in their political system. Prior to the protests, a group of urbanists and panelists gathered at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art - Algiers to discuss a bridge proposal across the Bay of Algiers. Nacym and Sihem Baghli, the architects behind the proposal, first imagined the project in preliminary concept sketches, connecting Ottoman Fort at Tamentfoust with the Casbah towards the west. The estimated cost of the proposal was $1.5 billion, an amount which sparked a debate among the panelists. In January, the Baghli's organized a meeting titled La Rencontre d'Alger, aiming to propose urban solutions for the development of the city.





Dapour 100 Eatery and Bar / Alvin Tjitrowirjo. Image Courtesy of AlvinT

  虽然设计师Alvin Tjitrowirjo说他与雅加达有一种“爱恨交加”的关系,但他对家具和室内设计的风格总是与他的文化根源相互联系。设计师采用了前卫的方法与传统材料,运用当地的材料和工艺进行尝试。他所设计的Dapour 100 Eatery & Bar有着精致的形式、充满活力的长椅和躺椅,所有的手工制品都采用当地的材料,并由当地的工匠制作。
Jakarta, Indonesia
  Although designer Alvin Tjitrowirjo states that he has a "love-hate" relationship with Jakarta, but his stylistic approach to furniture and interior design is always connected with the roots of his culture. The designer takes an avant-garde approach with traditional material, experimenting with local material and craftsmanship. His Dapour 100 Eatery & Bar is embellished with refined forms, vibrant benches and lounge chairs, all handcrafted with local material and labor force.




The Fukuoka Art Museum . Image Courtesy of SS Co. LTD/Shinichiro UEDA

  前川国男是日本著名的现代主义捍卫者。1979年,他设计建造了福冈艺术博物馆,建筑有桶形拱顶天花板、混凝土架空廊以及瓷砖露台。日本Azusa Sekkei公司负责了最近三年的翻新工作。该公司想要创造一个更加亲近的空间,并扩大画廊,增加咖啡馆、商店以及一个户外广场,将博物馆过去的建筑风格和现在的需求结合起来。
Fukuoka, Japan
  Kunio Maekawa is known as one of Japan's most notable Modernist defenders. In 1979, he developed the Fukuoka Art Museum, with barrel-vaulted ceilings, concrete pilotis, and tiled terraces. Japanese-firm Azusa Sekkei were responsible for the recent 3-year renovation. The firm wanted to create a more approachable space, expanding the galleries, adding a cafe and shop, and an outdoor square, bringing together the museum's past architecture style and present needs.



Courtesy of Gathering PlaceShane Bevel
